Sunday, March 25, 2012

persuasive cupcakes

Today, I made some persuasive cupcakes. It was my first ever batch of cupcakes, and it turned out really good! Here's what you need:

already baked cupcakes                                             frosting
food coloring (I used the gel kind)                                toothpicks
paper                                                                        pen

Put  the frosting into a big bowl and dye it with any color of food coloring you desire. Then, spread the frosting all over each cupcake and put sprinkles on it. Just don't tip the sprinkle jar too much, or there will be an outrageous mess! Write little messages on pieces of paper and glue toothpicks to the back. Then, stick a sign into each of the cupcakes and you're done!

Other Ideas
Cupcakes are the best when they are shared! You can bring persuasive cupcakes to any party, and they will disappear super fast! Of course, there are so many options, but the person who does the art is always the one to decide!

all of the cupcakes

my favorite cupcake
the recipe


  1. Such a cute idea, Holly! I think bakeries need to try this -- they would probably sell more cakes! Mrs. Gold

  2. I'll give you cupcakes for free! -holly
